Exceptional customer service is not just about the customer – it’s about the people. In today’s economy, there is always a competitor who will find a way to do what you do cheaper and faster. More often than not, though, especially when it comes to the janitorial industry, you get what you pay for. Less expensive is not always better. It’s people who make the critical difference in whether your company delivers poor or exceptional service.
One of the best investments a company can make is in its people. We believe that in order to best serve our customers we need to invest in the best training in the industry for all our team members; to provide careers, not just jobs. People are more than commodities; they are our – and your – most important assets. We believe that by investing in highly motivated people, we will provide safer, more quality-drive, better value-oriented services.
We also believe that communication needs to happen regularly and often with team members at all levels. A 2014 study in About.com found that the top three reasons people quit a job are communication related. If you are not regularly communicating with your customers as well as your team members at all levels asking for feedback about how to improve services, you won’t know what to fix until it’s too late. Without open communication, you’ll lose customers and good people. Not only is it important to communicate that people are valued, but we want an opportunity to address and issue before it becomes a problem.
True devotion to our customers – and to our people – is in our company DNA. We are proud to be known as the best company in the industry to work for, where employees and customers seek us out for embracing innovation in an industry where innovation is rare.