Do You Have Reliable Quality Assurance in Your Janitorial Service?

clip_image002Quality assurance is more than a catchphrase, it’s a way of doing business. There are many aspects of a facility’s operations that affect employee performance and the quality of their work. A quality assurance program needs to establish a quality environment – an environment that focuses on customers, involves employees, measures performance and is continuously improving. A framework must be set in place enabling the janitorial service company to monitor improvements across segments, customers and service partners. Specific guidelines for each task performed by employees is in place, and with today’s technology solutions monitory quality assurance programs is easier than ever. Web-based and easy-to-use computer software helps track inspections and monitor performance measured designed for a facility’s exact specifications.

The difference between success and failure is a great team. Quality assurance must begin with the employee. This requires training each employee in a step-by-step process, defining each task associated with their responsibility. The checklists used by the employees are the same used by the other stakeholders responsible for proven quality assurance. Employees clearly understand the process, expectations, standards and quality control measures of how work is to be completed and by when. Customers can depend on the reliability of the quality of work performed (and the performance measures used to track and course correct as needed).

Informal daily/nightly inspections need to be performed by the on-site supervisor who is responsible for inspecting each customer premise to ensure cleaning standards are being met. Supervisors should be assigned a specific geographic district and the number of accounts closely monitored to ensure each district is properly maintained. A quality control representative should visit and inspect customer premises at least once a month, submitting a formal report of the inspection to company operations. This process identifies weaknesses in training, supervision, resources or personnel and is the main tool for measuring performance, providing feedback, which is necessary for improvements and/or immediate corrective action (if needed).

In addition to web-based quality assurance programs and on-site supervision, ESC also supports weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, and/or quarterly performance evaluation calls with clients to review goals, issues, work orders, future initiatives and current needs. Quality assurance is a process by which we and our customers are able to maintain the highest quality of service. Our clients expect the best and we expect it of ourselves. Quality assurance programs ensure that the best services are consistently and reliably delivered.

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